To the rescue of coral reefs

To the rescue of coral reefs A British family has sold their London home in favor of launching the world’s smallest nature reserve to save Seychelles’ coral reef system. The need for corals for the marine world Almost 70% of the greenhouse gas we produce is absorbed by corals, considered to be the forests of…

In the UK: bison reintroduced into the wild

In the UK: bison reintroduced into the wild For the first time in 6,000 years, a group of wild bison will be reintroduced to the Kent region in the spring of 2022. The project is called “The Wilder Blean project”. An endangered species Until the 14th century, the European bison was present in many countries…

At Disney World, unions set up a food bank

At Disney World, unions set up a food bank As the U.S. economy enters a recession, the Disney World union distributes food baskets to its members. Economic and food crisis Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, several sectors of the American economy are struggling to get back on track, such as the hotel and restaurant industry.…

Ile Maurice : des cheveux contre la marée noire

 Île Maurice : des cheveux contre la marrée noire C’est un samedi 25 juillet 2020 qu’un navire japonais transportant 3800 tonnes de fioul et 200 tonnes de diésel s’échoue près d’un récif à Pointe d’Esny sur l’île Maurice. Une fissure dans la coque du bateau a laissé fuir 1200 tonnes de fioul dans l’océan. La fuite d’hydrocarbures est une catastrophe…

Des masques réutilisables à l’infini

Des masques réutilisables à l’infini La pandémie a changé nos quotidiens et le port du masque s’est imposé comme un réflexe. Or, s’il répond à des règles sanitaires, il ne coche pas la case environnementale ni économique. D’autant plus que l’utilisation de masques réutilisables et propres n’est que peu répandue et inexistante dans le milieu…

Biodegradable masks in the Philippines

Biodegradable masks in the Philippines A Filipino company develops biodegradable sheet fiber masks. An initiative that matches the environment and health. “Coronavirus waste”. In the COVID period, it is not uncommon to see N95 masks and latex gloves in the streets, on the beaches, and in the countryside. Environmentalists call them “coronavirus waste”. The UN…

In Finland, eco-citizens rewarded

In Finland, eco-citizens rewarded To encourage eco-citizens behavior, the Finnish city of Lahti offers rewards to its’ residents if they reduce their CO2 emissions. A city highly dependent on the car On average, a resident of Lahti, a city of 120,000 inhabitants, emits the equivalent of 21 kilograms of CO2 per week. “Lahti is still…

How a giant processing plant eliminated food waste

How a giant processing plant eliminated food waste After the radical realization that food waste is still food, Baldor’s Bronx facility started diverting scraps away from landfills and into restaurants and juice shops, where they become perfectly edible ingredients. Inside a massive warehouse in the Bronx, the food distributor Baldor processes a million pounds of produce a week, chopping…