That great idea of a different approach to punishment came from Denver, Colorado. In this elementary school the detention hours are replaced with yoga learning.
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the time slots typically reserved for detention at Doull Elementary are instead dedicated to yoga classes.
According to the school’s psychologist, Yoga is a better option to discipline children than rebuking them, it’s a mind and body exercise, which will make your day better.
“What’s more important? Punishing kids for a mistake they made or teaching them some skills that they can actually use in life not to make the same mistakes again?” school psychologist Carly Graeber told. “Math and reading and science and social studies are all so important to us here, but also we’re really in the business of teaching kids social and emotional skills that they can use for their lives, so how to solve problems, how to deal with complicated feelings, and things like that,” she added.
At Doull, yoga is so popular, the school had to take on a third day of after-school practice for students who aren’t even in trouble—they just want to participate. According to Heffron, the change-up in how Doull handles misbehaviour has had a positive impact on kids who normally would have been sent to detention.
Considering how many children suffer anxiety and stress from the pressures of school, it’s no surprise programs like Doull’s and the Mindful Moment Room are a hit with kids who sometimes need a place to check out and calm down.
Source : Bustle
Images: WavebreakMediaMicro/Fotolia – Denver Post