Strong women give hope

Strong women give hope Believing that physical strength is “a man’s thing” is widespread. However, what proves that a woman cannot surpass a man in the field of sport, or that she will be incompetent if she is working in a “man’s job”? Nothing. The opposite is even demonstrated by the swimmer Chloe McCardel and…

Lattice Detour, a wall for peace

Lattice Detour, a wall for peace In New York, the contemporary artist Héctor Zamora erected a wall. However, his work means much more than it seems. A wall to divide  In the contemporary political universe, the wall has a strong symbolism of exclusion, division, and rejection of the other. The one in construction on the…

Une machine qui redonne vie aux déchets !

Une machine qui redonne vie aux déchets ! La surconsommation de plastique de tout genre contribue grandement à la pollution dans le monde. Une idée brillante Originaire des Pays-Bas, Dave Hakkens a inventé une solution pour donner une seconde vie au plastique. Créatif et talentueux, il recycle depuis des années toute sorte d’objets déjà utilisés. Son…

TikTok for the planet

TikTok for the planet The TikTok social network welcomes more and more environmental influencers. A new way to raise awareness of climate issues among young people. The new youth network With 800 million users, TikTok is today an essential social network. 60% of its followers were born around the year 2000, considered the “millennials”. However,…