The Power of Say It Now in Humanitarian Work

The Power of Say It Now in Humanitarian Work In the field of humanitarian work, the stakes are high. Nonprofits and NGOs work tirelessly to address some of the most pressing issues facing humanity—poverty, education, healthcare and environmental crises—often with limited resources and under immense pressure. Amid these challenges, the Say It Now movement, founded…

The Lebanese diaspora helps Lebanon

The Lebanese explosion that occurred last year, continues to arouse international emotion, including that of the Lebanese diaspora. Far from remaining motionless, the latter are assisting from a distance. A Lebanese in crisis The Lebanese population struggles to recover in a country plagued by multiple crises. Since October 2019, Lebanon has been facing an socioeconomic…

Safe Ground helps prisoners to become good fathers 

Safe Ground helps prisoners to become good fathers How can a prisoner be a good father? The question does not seem to have a positive answer. However, the Safe Ground association succeeds in making prisoners responsible. Counter-productive prisons Men in prison retain very little contact with their families. Reclusive in a male-only sanctuary, violence, and…

Comedy stand creates laughter during Coronavirus

Comedy stand creates laughter during Coronavirus A young comedian finds a creative way to maintain social distancing while creating laughter. The British Columbian boy has made an effort to brighten his neighbor’s mood by telling jokes everyday from his driveway. Drive-by Comedy stand In an effort to bring joy to others, 6-year old Callaghan McLaughlin…

Strong women give hope

Strong women give hope Believing that physical strength is “a man’s thing” is widespread. However, what proves that a woman cannot surpass a man in the field of sport, or that she will be incompetent if she is working in a “man’s job”? Nothing. The opposite is even demonstrated by the swimmer Chloe McCardel and…

Lattice Detour, a wall for peace

Lattice Detour, a wall for peace In New York, the contemporary artist Héctor Zamora erected a wall. However, his work means much more than it seems. A wall to divide  In the contemporary political universe, the wall has a strong symbolism of exclusion, division, and rejection of the other. The one in construction on the…

At Disney World, unions set up a food bank

At Disney World, unions set up a food bank As the U.S. economy enters a recession, the Disney World union distributes food baskets to its members. Economic and food crisis Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, several sectors of the American economy are struggling to get back on track, such as the hotel and restaurant industry.…

The inspiring story of Anna Rose Rubright

The inspiring story of Anna Rose Rubright Rowan University in New Jersey in the United States celebrates a graduate with Down’s syndrome for the first time. Difficult access to the diploma In the United States, students with disabilities are more likely to drop out of school than a valid student. A study by the National…