Hope for the Hainan Gibbon

Hope for the Hainan Gibbon This little primate, known for his intelligence, has recently seen hope in his rehabilitation. Being the victim of deforestation, there were only 10 gibbons left on Chinese territory. Today, their numbers continue to increase. Collateral Victims of Global Warming The species live in a small region of the tropical island…

United States : an expected victory for the Sioux

United States: an unexpected victory for the Sioux On July 6, 2020, a District of Columbia federal judge ordered that the Dakota Access pipeline, which has been the subject of fierce contestation from Indigenous nations and environmentalists for four years, cease operations at most late August, 5th. The pipeline of discord Almost three years after…

Coronavirus : This french brand distributes its’ benefits

Coronavirus : This french brand distributes its’ benefits The French food and cooperative brand “C’est qui le patron” decided to distribute their profits made during the coronavirus crisis. Exceptional recipes Since the beginning of containment, many food brands have made significant profits following the increase in mass purchases of products such as gastrointestinal medications. Nicolas…

The inspiring story of Anna Rose Rubright

The inspiring story of Anna Rose Rubright Rowan University in New Jersey in the United States celebrates a graduate with Down’s syndrome for the first time. Difficult access to the diploma In the United States, students with disabilities are more likely to drop out of school than a valid student. A study by the National…

This lemonade stand is a huge sucess

This lemonade stand is a huge success At just 5 years old, Cooper Wallweber raised over $3,000 to help a firefighter who was shot. An evening that turns into drama On June 22, 2020, Arlydia Bufford was shot in the head while dining with colleagues. The firefighting team was out enjoying the end of paramedic…